Promql if statement

Promql if statement. It is designed for building powerful yet simple queries for graphs, alerts or derived time series. Life of a PromQL query is a good talk for understanding PromQL. For options and functions common to all query editors, see Query editors. As SkyWalking and Prometheus have fundamental differences in metrics classification, format, storage, etc. In the Prometheus query builder in Grafana, we instead lay out operations left to right in a pipeline, which means it can be read more naturally and arguments are right Jan 29, 2021 · PromQL is used for making ad-hoc queries, creating dashboards, alerting, etc. Each subquery produces a value that serves as a variable for the larger expressions. How to use promql group by without using aggregate functions in Grafana. Feb 14, 2023 · PromQL is widely recognized as the most commonly used query language in cloud-native Observability. Feb 21, 2019 · I am sending data related to two disks to prometheus. {job="traefik" OR job="cadvisor" OR job="prometheus"} Is it possible to write logical binary operators? Aug 4, 2021 · Joins in PromQL. Jul 17, 2023 · Optimizing PromQL Queries. There are only two ways to produce range vectors in PromQL: by using a literal range vector selector in your query (like node_cpu_seconds_total[5m]), or by using a subquery (like <expression>[5m:10s]). Data Types of PromQL PromQL has scalar, instant vector, range vector, string, and boolean data types for querying and analyzing Prometheus metrics. For instance, the following query would return all the time series with name node_network_receive_bytes_total: node_network_receive_bytes_total Nov 19, 2020 · Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. PromQL "where" clause. 277. Feb 4, 2020 · This introduction to PromQL will be largely decoupled from specific tools and the non-PromQL parts of Prometheus, in order to focus on the features of the language itself. With offset, you can request the value from a certain amount of time before the moment the query was done. Jan 24, 2020 · Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Prometheus query in Grafana with query variable. Anatomy of a PromQL query is also a great blog post that talks about the structure of PromQL queries and how they are evaluated over time. Prometheus query promql to make average on the same field. Instead, I would like to write a query for the temperatures that has the label label present, always, and defaults it to unknown-sensor-name if the label label is missing. Aug 27, 2024 · Close() // Statement returns the parsed statement of the query. Jul 31, 2023 · Prometheus Querying. Return all time series with the metric http_requests_total:. I want to add a conditional statement to monitor services on specific machines so something like: if instance= 162. 1 Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. g. 4. May 3, 2021 · PromQL if then statement equivalent. You will also get tips on what to look for when optimizing your query performance. Mar 24, 2019 · Let’s flatten and shorten the learning curve for PromQL. probe_http_status_code and min_over_time(probe_success [$__range] @end() ) == 0 I'm trying to divide the value by 10, if the value is inside an defined range. Mar 29, 2021 · Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Please note that the sort by label functions only affect the results of instant queries, as range query results always have a fixed output ordering. PromQL queries can become resource-intensive, particularly when dealing with a high cardinality dataset or long time ranges. For an introduction to PromQL, I recommend this blog. Mar 5, 2021 · How do I construct something like this in PromQL: if ${env} == 'dev' or ${env} == 'integration': if sum(up{container_name="my-container",environment_name="$env"}) == 1: sum(up{container_name="my-container",environment_name="$env"}) + 1 else: sum(up{container_name="my-container",environment_name="$env"}) else: sum(up{container_name="my-container See full list on prometheus. Now diskB failed. 636. Just like with the rules of operations, the outer, encompassing parenthetical expression returns the final answer (and thus the value you want). Aug 10, 2023 · This article will focus on the popular monitoring tool Prometheus, and how to use PromQL. The @ modifier lets you change the evaluation date for a specific timestamp. 0. There are four parts to every metric. Use shorter time ranges where possible. Statistics // Cancel signals that a running query execution should be aborted. If you need locating time series, which contain multiple distinct values for the same label, then use regexp label matcher with the needed values delimited by |. May 27, 2021 · This introduction to PromQL gave an overview of the concepts to get you started creating queries to return time series and metrics relevant to you. Regex for printing in between Jan 26, 2024 · How can PromQL be used to measure the total runtime of a GKE workload within the current month? How can Prometheus metrics be used to create alerts based on changes in an app's version? Can you consolidate the metrics of replica instances into a unified dashboard? How can the resource utilization specific to a pod be calculated using PromQL? Mar 11, 2021 · Understanding how data is managed in Prometheus is key to learning how to write good, performant PromQL queries. The alerting engine will then periodically execute based on this frequency, querying with the PromQL query that includes a threshold, such as `<60` in the example above. In this guide, we will explore the basics of PromQL and provide query examples for an example use case. The version is reported as a label in the app_version_updated (say) metric like so: app_version_updated{ Simple time series selection. Binary Aug 27, 2024 · Close() // Statement returns the parsed statement of the query. Mar 3, 2023 · PromQL - Prometheus - query value as label. This article will introduce you to the PromQL basics and provide a cheat sheet you can download to dig deeper into Prometheus and PromQL. Taking the varnish_main_client_req metric as an example: The parts are: Metric_name (e. http_requests_total Return all time series with the metric http_requests_total and the given job and handler labels: Mar 31, 2017 · I need to write a query that use any of the different jobs I define. Putting it All Together: Monitoring CPU Usage in Kubernetes. . Here are some strategies to optimize them: Reduce the Time Range: Smaller time ranges mean fewer data points to process, leading to faster queries. For an IFTHEN statement to be broken into more than one line, the first item on the next line must be THEN, AND, or OR. Choose a query editing mode 4 days ago · Use PromQL to query and aggregate metrics stored in an Azure Monitor workspace. Grafana provides a query editor for the Prometheus data source to create queries in PromQL. Jul 22, 2016 · I'm making a Grafana dashboard and want a panel that reports the latest version of our app. After reading this post, you will know more about how Prometheus stores data, its indexing strategies, and why your PromQL queries perform as they do. Apr 13, 2021 · Prometheus provides the following ways for filtering the data in queries: Time series selectors. May 11, 2024 · The method described above is actually the core logic of an alerting engine. To finish off this PromQL tutorial, let’s see how PromQL can be used to create graphs of CPU-utilisation in a Kubernetes application. To query an Azure monitor workspace using PromQL, you need the following prerequisites: Dec 21, 2020 · Some PromQL-compatible query engines such as MetricsQL allow skipping the lookbehind window in square brackets when using Making statements based on opinion; back Nov 16, 2023 · To get list of all the received http codes for target that failed at least once within the range of your dashboard use query. Jun 4, 2013 · Any non-function-calling if-statement is probably fine (unless it contains a statement that goes through the array, which some language allows) Thus 2 (constant-time) if-statements called for each each element will be O(2n), but this is equal to O(n) (well, it might not really be 2n, more on that in the additional note). In this article, you will learn: How time-series databases work; PromQL data selection; PromQL aggregators and operators; PromQL functions; Next steps; How time-series databases work Jul 2, 2020 · In our last post, we looked at the overall anatomy of a PromQL query. The basics Mar 8, 2024 · Getting familiar with the Prometheus query execution flow will help you understand your PromQL queries better. PromQL supports the ability to join two metrics together: You can append a label set from one metric and append it to another at query time. First of all we need to introduce your string as a label into pseudo metric, as direct operations on the strings are not supported in promQL. 3. The Mar 16, 2021 · Using PromQL’s predict_linear function leads to smarter, less noisy alerts that don’t give false alarms and do give you plenty of time to act. In Jul 18, 2022 · One downside in raw PromQL is that functions are nested, which means you read the query from the inside out and arguments for a function can be far away from the function name. PromQL If condition May 21, 2024 · PromQL if then statement equivalent. PromQL是Prometheus内置的数据查询语言,其提供对时间序列数据丰富的查询,聚合以及逻辑运算能力的支持。并且被广泛应用在Prometheus的日常应用当中,包括对数据查询、可视化、告警处理当中。可以这么说,PromQL是… Jan 20, 2022 · Filter data with offset in PromQL. 2. For more information on PromQL, see Querying prometheus. They allow filtering time series by metrics and labels. This article describes how to query an Azure Monitor workspace using PromQL via the REST API. In an alerting rule, users are required to configure a PromQL query and an execution frequency. range vector: A set of labeled time series, with a range of samples over time for each series. 1. Oct 5, 2020 · I'm trying to calculate easter sunday in PromQL using Gauss's Easter algorithm (I need to ignore some alert rules on public holidays). My sample query (promql) is max (application_apidbacesscount_t LogQL is Grafana Loki’s PromQL-inspired query language. http_requests_total offset 5m . Indeed, all Prometheus metrics are time based data. Filter data with the @ modifier in PromQL. rate(http_requests_total[5m])[30m:1m] This is an example of a nested subquery. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Do we have if/else feature in promql. My sample query (promql) is max (application_apidbacesscount_t Mar 11, 2021 · This article will introduce you to the PromQL basics and provide a cheat sheet you can download to dig deeper into Prometheus and PromQL. Hi Team , I am having one business case where I am getting set of values , I want to develop/record new metric based on certain values of the metrics . In order to enable Mar 14, 2020 · Hello! Do i have any possibility to “manipulate” the values of a metric exept using math operators, [any]_over_time, any funktion that is combining / grouping values… For example like - if a metric-value > 0 then set metric-value 1 I just ended up that i was able to filter and only passing values > 0 Thank you! Kind Regards chackl Feb 2, 2023 · Additional information for this answer:. Lets explore each in detail. Prometheus uses Golang and allows simultaneous monitoring of many services and systems. Queries act as if they are a distributed grep to aggregate log sources. The core part of any query in PromQL are the metric names of a time-series. PromQL is the query language used by Prometheus, an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit. How time-series databases work Time series are streams of values associated with a timestamp. Oct 25, 2023 · I want to write a recording rule such that: new_uptime = uptime if util &lt;= 100 else uptime - (util - 100) i. String() string} Jul 2, 2020 · I am trying to create a query that groups the data by &quot;Api&quot; field and selects a value field by using prometheus and grafana. PromQL if then statement equivalent. Prometheus where/if clause. IFTHEN statements only apply to the next statement or statement block in a logic. io At the core of Prometheus lies PromQL (Prometheus Query Language), a powerful and flexible query language used to extract valuable insights from the collected metrics. Include any label sets from the left side that are not present in the right side: node_network_mtu_bytes unless (node_network_address_assign_type == 1) Feb 20, 2024 · Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Jan 4, 2022 · What is Prometheus PromQL(Prometheus Query language) PromQL is a query language for Prometheus monitoring system. I want to alert if metrics of one disk stops sending metrics. For example, up{namespace=~"default|jenkins"} is a series selector, which returns only time series with the name up, which contain label namespace matching the given given regular expression: default|jenkins. LogQL uses labels and operators for filtering. Oct 1, 2020 · PromQL (Prometheus Query Language) is a functional query language provided by Prometheus to enable the user to query data stored in real time and perform all sorts of analysis, aggregations, and operations. Statement() parser. We will examine their use cases, the reasoning behind them, and some implementation details you should be aware of. Say I have diskA and diskB and I am collecting disk_up metric. Prerequisites. This can be useful in Prometheus rule evaluations, since it lets you generate a new metric for a series by appending labels from another info metric. How to merge zero values (vector(0) with metric values in PromQL. Use and operator with boolean type property in Prometheus alert rules. Source is VictoriaMetrics and Grafana with Prometheus plugin is used to query the data. 737(… Jun 18, 2020 · PromLabs - We teach Prometheus-based monitoring and observability. Dec 1, 2021 · in PromQL, I want to write If metric_a>=bool 3: return metric_b else: return 1 I am thinking to write as (metric_b and metric_a>=3) or metric_a<bool 3 but I found that when I switch limitk and limit_ratio also return a subset of the input samples, including the original labels in the result vector, these are experimental operators that must be enabled with --enable-feature=promql-experimental-functions. In this chapter, we will provide hands-on steps to the readers that will enable them to use PromQL. Today, let's look a bit closer at the two ways of selecting data in PromQL: instant vector selectors and range vector selectors. Stats() *stats. Jul 29, 2022 · Matching an arbitrary string provided as a part of query with a regex is tricky, but possible in promQL. PromQL If condition and or operator. varnish_main_client_req) Return the 5-minute rate of the http_requests_total metric for the past 30 minutes, with a resolution of 1 minute. It's designed specifically for working with time series data, making it an essential tool for anyone dealing with metrics and observability in modern software systems. There are two types of LogQL queries: Log queries return the contents of log lines. Third-party systems or visualization platforms that already support PromQL (such as Grafana), could obtain metrics through PromQL Service. I can calculate the day, but I'm having a problem with the month as I need something like an if/else expression. Dec 14, 2021 · Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Selecting a time series with PromQL. Same as sort_by_label , but sorts in descending order. Metric queries extend log queries to calculate values based on query results. To learn more, 💎 Getting Started With Ruby on Rails in 2024 - The Complete Development Environment Guide May 12, 2022 · The above PromQL query does not help in that case; group_left(label) returns no results in that case. Aug 9, 2019 · PromQL if then statement equivalent. For general documentation on querying data sources in Grafana, see Query and transform data. The subquery for the deriv function uses the default resolution. Selecting a time series with PromQL is as simple as writing a time series name in the query. This article provides a brief analysis of the history and features of PromQL, illustrating its advantages over SQL through simple examples. 1 promQL opetrate two metric with same labels, but different label-val combiantions, 0 Jan 25, 2024 · PromQL query to show the number of incoming requests accurately. For more information about PromQL, see Querying Prometheus. I recommend reading Ivana Huckova’s blog post, How to explore Prometheus with easy ‘Hello World’ projects , which has useful tips and links on getting a series and a PromQL and other nesting languages will insert expressions or queries within other queries. PromQL is the querying language that is part of Prometheus. Cancel() // String returns the original query string. Statement // Stats returns statistics about the lifetime of the query. e Logic to record new_uptime metric is: new_uptime = uptime when util less than or equ If an ELSE statement is included and the Boolean expression is false, an alternate statement or statement block is executed. PromQL Service PromQL(Prometheus Query Language) Service exposes Prometheus Querying HTTP APIs including the bundled PromQL expression system. Used Ca Feb 3, 2024 · This section will provide a foundational understanding of PromQL, setting the stage for exploring its various aspects and applications in the realm of system observability. 17. In future posts we will cover other aspects of using PromQL in depth, such as creating efficient queries, choosing the most appropriate types, and what Chronosphere adds on top of PromQL. This function has to be enabled via the feature flag--enable-feature=promql-experimental-functions. jwwfn pditn whtdrzn rwxxlvlsw xfc lmxawc vubxhmg krclj vhx yqtls